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Eagles Athletics

Geneva High School


Eagles Athletics

Geneva High School

Eagles Athletics

Geneva High School

Eagles Athletics

Geneva High School

Geneva Athletic Boosters

Membership Information.


Article III. Membership:

The membership of this organization is open to anyone.

 Sec. 1 - A voting member is described as the following: 1.) A person who has attended 3 CONSECUTIVE MEETINGS AND 2.) A person who has worked a minimum of 2  athletic events during the fall and winter seasons OR 3.) A person who has participated in at least one major fundraiser sponsored by the Athletic Boosters, if scheduled.

Sec. 2 - A voting member is expected to attend 8 out of 12 meetings per calendar year TO CONTINUE TO PROCEED AS A VOTING MEMBER. Voting members will be acknowledged in the monthly minutes.

 Sec. 3 - Participation in athletic booster meetings and events are open to any person in good standing with the Geneva Area Schools. These participants will be referred to as booster volunteers.

Sec. 4 - Voting members have the opportunity to become officers of the Geneva Athletic Boosters.